Kamis, 06 November 2008

My Crush Romance....

This is our last destiny.THE END of the world is true.everyone who had THE SHARPEST LIVES ago,become DEAD body.the revenge day,cant be passed by.
So,WELCOME TO THE BLACK PARADE,to us who absolutely sure had a sin.Imagine,every benediction God gave to us.MAMA,TEENAGERS,tightly SLEEP..
But,what we gave to God?the people,being DISENCHANTED.The people,so easily to did their sin as easy as HOUSE OF WOLVES screamed out to roar!Imagine,what would u do,if God said I DONT LOVE YOU anymore?When cancer ate your health slowly..
Quiet n soo..slowly..
Feel your own fades!!
U had no choices,your last choices just said your own FAMOUS LAST WORD..
If u can..

Semua Paragrap yang di sembunyikan

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